Gu Fashion - Member Program

The Member program is an engaging program aims at building a strong relationship between Gu Fashion and the people who cares about promoting the same fashion style that we do. Through this relationship, we hope to continually foster a vision that will bring Vietnam fashion to the forefront of everyone's life. 


- To join the member program you just need to sign up for an account with Gu Fashion to start earning points. 

2. Earning Points

To earn points you can follow the guide under the rewards widget floating on all pages and the rules below:

  • 20 points given with creation of account
  • Enter your Birthday to receive 20 points on your special day
  • 5 points for sharing our Facebook page
  • 4 points for referring a new Gu Member using your customize referral link
  • 4 points for following our Instagram page
  • 4 points for subscribing to newsletter
  • 2 points for review, 2 more for a photo (4 total)
  • 1 point for every $10 dollar spent

3. Rewards

When reaching 100 Gu Points. User can redeem for one of the gift below. 

I. $50 Dollars Gift Card

II. 50% Off one order

4. Tier Level

Tier levels are used to create a special connection between the members and Gu Fashion. It shows the amount of support and love they have with Gu Fashion and the passion that they have as well for Vietnam Fashion.

I. Promoter 

- Double Points on all action

Requires 100 Gu Points

II. Influencer

- Double Points
- Free Shipping

Requires 200 Gu Points

III. Innovator

- Double Points
- Free Shipping
- 20% Off on all Orders + Any other active promotion

Requires 300 Gu Points